Can You Do More?

Am at the final track of finishing out the a program on “Working with Negative Cognitions in the Workplace”. The material is about creating an evidence-based intervention that assists women in dealing with negative thoughts that hinder their self-efficacy at work. Why is self-efficacy key to success at work? because self-efficacy is about how confident we are that we will be able to successfully achieve our goals. When we believe we can be successful, we set higher goals, engage more complex tasks, take more risks, develop more creative solutions to problems.

We need to be self-efficacious when we design and pursue our life purpose. As luck would have it, pursuing a life purpose is often fraught with challenges, setbacks, and requires getting ourselves out of our comfort zone. We cannot fulfil our life purpose if we feel we are not good enough or not worth it. We cannot push ourselves past the limitations the world sets for us if we feel that we are incompetent. Building self-efficacy is lifelong work. Our strength of self-belief is not solidified by a pat on the back or a single success. Self-efficacy is the result of going toe-to-toe with ourselves and others constantly —continuing to achieve over long period of time, standing up again and again after failure, trying out new things and ideas, continuous learning . To lead in a man’s world against misogynistic ideals takes inner strength and equanimity too. Kudos to all the women who stand up for women, therefore making gender equality more reachable for the little girls today.


Sex Therapy and Cancer

Learning from the Premier Sex Therapist in the  Philippines, Dr. Margie Holmes. Her take on Cancer is that it is not a death sentence—it depends on how you look at it. Even in the throes of chemotherapy and well-meaning friends and family telling you what to do, you can still be master of your ship. research about your condition, continue to interphase and grow by reaching out to people, challenging your negative thoughts, become aware of your feelings of guilt and settle things out with friends. You are not your Cancer. You are still yourself. Cancer is just the new visitor that happened to come passing through your door.

“We The Filipino People”

img_2119“We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence …”

That is how the Philippine Constitution starts. Learning through Bishop Bacani, one of the crafters of the constitution, the Philippine constitution honors the innate rights  to life of every Filipino in equality. And therefore, death penalty, putting people in jail without due process is simply not acceptable regardless of the circumstance or whomever it may be.

With deeper understanding of the rights, I can help my clients fight for their cases, champion their causes. Thank you, Bishop Bacani.

Talk to Suzy Roxas today

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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