
Working with Dr. Elen Morada, PhD

Discussing with Dr. Morada how psychology can improve the well-being of  employees. Creating job satisfaction  through employee-centered policies such as succession planning, leadership development, job fit evaluation, employees become better engaged, more productive, and produce higher quality work. Despite working long hours at the job, employees can become more engaged rather than burned out. Employees who see purpose and meaning in their work reach for higher goals, become resilient against failure, and become easier and collaborative in the workplace.


Training on the Use of MBTI with CPP Asia Pacific

Adding to my assessment competencies with a refresher seminar on MBTI, a trait based assessment tool for personality. With proper understanding of the results , a coach can lead their clients to better suited careers, behavioural and perceptual modification, how to be effective negotiators and  team leaders. In turn, improving leadership skills, and modifying maladaptive behaviours increase job satisfaction and well-being for executives in the workplace.

Featured: training under Cameron Nott, Managing director of CPP Asia Pacific


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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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