
Meaning Making

Dani Girl…never lose your sense of fun

The weekend finds me resourcing for Carewell Foundation on a play about a spunky child afflicted with cancer whose wild and vivid imagination carry her through the ups and downs of being terminally ill. As she tries to stay strong for mom, her sheer will to live enthuses her to dream up imagined friends with whom she plays with for sprinkles of joy in the midst of sadness. There are many good lines, but my favourite of all is “not having a reason doesn’t make a thing worthless”. Sometimes we are caught up in being productive, showcasing our capability, maximising every opportunity …all the make life worthwhile. Would it then mean that being fallow, resting, sitting with a cup of coffee are endeavours with no worth because they do not have an endpoint? The show suggests that all of life…all of its experiences have value just because they are part of what makes life beautiful.

Catch the play Dani Girl, running on weekends till 8 September 2019


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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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