
Stress in time of the Wuhan Virus

In this webinar, I talk about handling stress in the ‘new normal.’ The seafarers have such a challenge during this time because of the loss of a sizeable income plus the need to quarantine before and after each voyage. The stress to their families and spouses is monumental, causing significant relationship challenges. See the full video here.

Regular Resource for the Show: Woman UP

Meaning Making in time of Wuhan Virus

Gian Gallegos is the quintessential spirit of joie de vivre! Such an engaging spirit

It is over 40 days in quarantine and no solution is in sight. No vaccine, no mass testing, no economy, low trust for government, no plan, Chinese getting away with everything. And so, Start-ups like Gian’s —whose is in travel — do not see a bright future ahead after all the work that they have done through the years. And so, as I work with him, we venture to find reasons for his lack of joy. Over the hour, we shared many insights of what is important in life. And through the conversation we unearthed a nugget “Crisis is where I find my deepest self!” . You are a joy to be with Gian. More power to you because you make us strong


Self-Care and what it means to happiness


Winnie the Pooh is the poster child of what is important in life. When he gets honey all over himself, gets stuck in friends’ doorways, gets stung by a bee, he enjoys life’s sweetness with intensity.

He loves, lives without worry or self-judgment.

He has no care of missing out because he is too enthralled by the present. He says stuff like “today is my favorite day.

Yesterday, when it was tomorrow, it was too much day for me.’ Pooh lives joyously and sings life.

He buys red balloons simply because it makes him and others happy.

Pooh is about being there for himself and being a good friend towards others.

Because he does not take himself too seriously, he takes life as it comes (without measuring it by its outcomes), he prioritizes happiness and joy — and in the process, he stays funny, beloved, insightful and happy.

There is a time for everything: time for feeling emotions, enjoying abundance, showing empathy, giving in to patience, and faith.

Having time for everything while loving yourself and believing in yourself is self-care.

Reflection Question:

Life has many gifts. Accepting its bounty leads to self-care. Have you appreciated the ebb and flow of life by enjoying life’s gifts and letting tomorrow happen for the moment?

Reflection in Action:

Sit today with your feelings and thoughts. Identify each of them. Ask them ‘what gift do you bring me?’

this article is part of an online workshop THE COVID-19 RESILIENCE CHALLENGE

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Thinking Abundance Helps to Create Abundance

Scarcity mentality

Scarcity mindset or scarcity mentality in simplest terms is the belief that you will never be or have enough –whether its money, food, emotions —and as a result, you are always feeling like you lack. When we are at a position of lack, our minds are actually less efficient. A mind that believes there is less has less capacity for problem-solving, less time to do other things in life, less time for relationships, less time for work. Having a scarcity mentality makes us more concerned over a few elements in our lives resulting in a lack of room for other things in the periphery. To reduce feelings of scarcity, we can give ourselves some slack time —do not pack days too tightly that there is no time for family events, no time for the sweetheart, no time to enjoy an ice cream cone in the park or take care of unaccounted for eventualities like a car breakdown. How to create slack time? By intentionally keeping pockets of unaccounted-for time in our calendar…sort of ‘having a meeting with myself’ entry. By the intentionality alone, we are messaging ourselves that ‘yes, I am enough, and I am worthwhile’

Reflection Question:
Did you your best today to be happy, content, and thankful for all that you are and have?

Reflection in Action:
Eat a bowl of your favorite ice cream, laugh with a friend, do arts & crafts. Enjoy the simple things which mean much

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You are Always Enough

Covid-19 Challenge: Take care of yourself because you are always enough

Feeling enough

Our minds cannot help but compare ourselves to others all the time.

There are many reasons why we do this: to check whether we are progressing at the same rate as others; to feel better about ourselves; to evaluate opinions and abilities; to improve ourselves.

Constant comparing ourselves, however, can do more harm than good. It brings harm especially when we wrongly compare: our whole lives to a picture of our friends’ sunny vacation in France; our success with the BMW of a neighbor.

Making wrong comparisons depletes our self-belief, confidence, motivation.

We are all unique and with varying talents and therefore varying journeys in life.

Comparing oneself to another is like comparing apples and oranges.

It’s almost impossible as the textures, scents, taste profiles are different.

Happiness, peace, well-being come from within.

Understand that there is more right with you than wrong with you.

You have more gifts and talents than you can ever use.

You have more value than anyone object can identify. You are enough right now and you deserve to be loved.

Reflection Question:
Did you give yourself a hug today, acknowledging the value you are in the world?

Reflection in Action:
Learn to enjoy the day without accomplishment

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Focus on Your Strengths When in Crisis

Covid-19 Challenge: Focusing on your strengths makes you more resilient

Focus on your strengths

We all have strengths: things we are good at; have thinking strategies that have to help us rebound; have personal traits (such as optimism, hopefulness, creativity, perseverance). We can use our strengths to help us through tough life events. Leading with our strengths helps us balance out the negative events by surmounting challenges using our own thinking, healthy coping behaviors, attitudes.

Reflection Question:
What do you like most about yourself? How many times have you used it the past weeks? What holds you back from using it with more frequency?

Reflection in Action:
Live your day manifesting your favorite personal strength

Take the assessment here to know your top 5 strengths:

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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