working with government agencies to improve teacher motivation and engagement. Self care is not selfish. It is what all of us need to do in order to remain productive and effective at all facets of life. Doing things which are meaningful, engaging with friends and family, doing acts of kindness, creating goals that are realistic and time-based. These are activities that will impact deep in our spirit and bring us joy.


Anxiety over the New Normal

As of this writing, the Philippine government has not lifted the quarantine measures and there are no solutions in sight to handle the Wuhan virus and its effects on the Philippine economy, transport needs, workers needs, health needs. It is a tough time and this exacerbates mental health. In this webinar, I speak about how the losses of certainty, security, connection continue to affect mental health. View the video here.


Stress in time of the Wuhan Virus

In this webinar, I talk about handling stress in the ‘new normal.’ The seafarers have such a challenge during this time because of the loss of a sizeable income plus the need to quarantine before and after each voyage. The stress to their families and spouses is monumental, causing significant relationship challenges. See the full video here.

Regular Resource for the Show: Woman UP

Thinking ‘We’ during pandemic situations

Day 3 of the ’21 day Resilience Challenge

Think ‘We’ instead of ‘I’ during pandemics and emergencies

In a case of looking at just your own survival (ie. ‘I will go our only if I know I do not have the virus’) will be counterproductive to the majority because whilst we may feel well, the most vulnerable —kids, infirmed, old) is at the risk of infection. When our thought is ‘we will survive’, we automatically seek solutions that protect the community because the loss of 1 is a loss to all

Reflection Question:
We have a moral obligation to avoid imposing risks on others. Within your own sphere of influence, how have you created a safe harbor at home (through acts of kindness and understanding for example) that will motivate your family members to stay home?

Reflection in Action:
What new action can you do today to serve at least 1 friend or neighbor?

Watch the Video here:


Initiatives for Staying Safe During Covid-19, a psychological perspective

Guesting with UST Medical Technology Group to suggest positive ways of coping

It has been close to 2 months since the ECQ and mental health issues abound. In this video, I guest with the UST Medical Technology group to discuss coping mechanisms effective for stemming anxiety, stress as well as providing insights on how to remain resilient at such a trying time. Watch the video here

Kalinga: Dealing with Mental Issues During a Pandemic

Today's video interview will be about the impact of mass media and social media on psychological attitudes and behaviors towards the COVID-19 pandemic with Ms. Suzanne Marie D. Roxas, MBM, RPsy, PhD (c). Learn more about mental health and ways to cope with it during times like this by watching our video down below!If you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to reach out to Ms. Roxas at or visit her website at to learn more.

Posted by Lakas Tanglaw on Monday, 11 May 2020

The New Normal

Webinar with Legal, Human Resources, Remote workforce Teams to discuss the ‘new normal’

There are many legal implications that cover-19 brings to workforce management: what laws govern the new working codes and company policies. There are also many issues on mental health that need to be addressed, given the work-from-home as many workers are beginning to feel the stress and anxiety of working longer hours and without team members readily reachable. In this webinar, i provide insight on what CEOs and the management teams can expect from their employees. And, I provide leadership insights that generates better team engagement.

Watch the full video here


Cover-19 and Philippine Start-ups

Working with SMEs and start-up founders has been invigorating. Young, bright, capable, and focused, they are out there to make the world a better place. As they put their own money into their dreams, the events of the pandemic sends them to freeze and wonder whether they should have taken the leap at all. In this video, I talk about the importance or hope and resilience in making it though the challenging time. Watch the full video here.


Kuwentuhan Covid

Online discussion on developing coping skills in light of Covid-19

Life in Manila has changed dramatically since the implementation of ECQ. Many are climbing up the walls with so much time and equal amounts of anxiety. Many complain that they have so much work and time to do it but remain in a ‘funk’ unable to do anything worth the paper it is written on. Such is the effect of anxiety and stress — the mind ruminates, imbalances of hormones rage, our moods are unpredictable.

Whist it looks like a runaway train, there are a few tricks we can use: create daily schedules, do activities that calm the nerves are some. For example, you know that bag of junk food is beckoning but it makes you feel ‘ugh’ after. Simply, keep the junk food in the cupboard and keep a basket of fruit nearby. The science shows that a simple change in environment can help create a change in habit.

Talk to Suzy Roxas today

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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