21 Day Resilience Challenge: Internal Locus of control

Coach Bonnie Factor and I providing support during the Wuhan Virus Pandemic. This is day 2, Locus of control

Internal Locus of Control

The degree by which we believe we have great control over the events that affect our lives. When we believe we create our success and happiness, we become motivated to take action and improve our life situations. Being in control of our lives makes us less likely to experience anxiety, stress — less victims to life’s circumstances.

Some action words associated with Internal locus of control are: personal power, inner strength, personal control over situations

Reflection Question:
In the Wuhan-Virus experience, there are many things that we cannot control. And, there are equally many things that are within our power to control. Which parts of your life are you exerting control over in a positive way?

See the whole video here

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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