Training Internationally on CBT to handle Psychosis Cases

Being effective requires investing in international as well as local course. Each new course provides useful techniques to make me more adept in helping clients. In this course, I learned the importance of understanding the the delusions of those with psychosis: why the delusions are on a particular topic; how important the delusion is for the client’s well-being; why the client is hesitant to let go of it even when it is obviously hurting him. Thank you PGH for this training

Women for the Win:

Lead psychologist for a discussion on misogyny in the workplace

Last night was so much fun! many female industry leaders all in a single space all openly sharing the steps they are taking to make the workplace a more female-friendly place.Using theories from Bandura, Skinner, Uri Bronfenbrenner, Festinger came in handy as I navigated how women can remain a force in the workplace.

Lead psychologist for gender issues in the workplace

Narrative Training

Keeping up the pace and learning still more new interventions makes me more resourced to work the toughest cases. Incest and abuse cases are often inter-generational patterns of abuse that are kept hidden by family members who are shrouded in shame. The family secret though always is played out — a black sheep; no chide not to speak of a certain uncle. The narrative approach helps most with such cases because with story telling, you get to see the family DNA. Here is our Psychobiographic Narrative Class Led by Fredrick Boholst


That’s the Rorschach class late Thursday evening group coding a protocol as part of the learning process. here we are trying to code “dead bugs” on a rainy night. My hair has turned grey in the hairline, my Roxas scowl has deepened and these blots have just revealed a peep of their magic. This is the level of dedicated work us psychologists put into our therapy plans. Here’s To us psychologists who think talking about dead bugs makes for such an entertaining and engaging conversation on a rainy cozy Thursday night

Resource Speaker for PVPI on Wellness in the workplace

Mental Health Speaker for Wellness in the Workplace

My career has taken an unexpected turn …a happy happy turn of events. Because the pandemic has side-lined health in the workplace, companies are doing all they can to support their employees at these harrowing times. Wellness programs are in and its focus are no longer on company outings and Christmas parties. Instead, they direct their funds into meaningful activities which keep employees engaged on higher levels. Employee engagement and motivation is not about vacations, free lunches, and less work. Instead it is about job-matching, job crafting, and building collaboration across the organization.

Associate Professor at iAcademy

Class of 2021 in Human Development

Starting out the new year as an Associate Professor at Iacademy. Never thought I would end up in the academe ..yet it has been a wonderful ride. It is inspiring to teach and much more inspiring to learn. The youth, with their vigor and energy are engaging with new ideas brought by experiencing the world in a new way. The 20s of today are so different from the 20s in the early 1990’s. They are more adventurous , less afraid, more daring to be different, more open about life experiences. Good for them

Getting A Teaching Post

Teaching Developmental Psychology at iAcademy

This year starts with a associate professor’s chair at iAcademy. Approaching Clinical Psychology with a strong knowledge of developmental psychology makes the practice that much richer. Understanding how the environment, genes, social structures, and families impact mental wellness give me a more empathic approach towards my clients. It brings to fore as well how much I must pay attention to their growing up years when i formulate my treatment plan.


Its a Wrap! Batch 8 of Ideaspace

Its amazing how these young guys had the grit to stick it though with their businesses despite the Pandemic. While big businesses close down, senior workers lose hope, designers and manufacturers with years of experience stockpile their unsold good and predict gloom —the young and the nimble slug it out and stay faithful to their dreams.

It was such an opportunity to coach these young founders 3 years in a row!


Protect Yourselves Against Burnout

DOST Webinar on Managing Stress

With the amount of stress all workers are going through now, burnout is a reality. Among the many threats are job security, financial stress, constant changes in the office landscape, the threat against health as Covid continues to ravage the Philippines.

The antidote against burnout is counterintuitive. It is not slowing down but engaging oneself more in the workplace: job crafting, developing relationships, managing expectations of peers, and developing a healthy mindset is the antidote.


Cover Continues to Ravage

As cover 19 continues to rave the Philippines, many of our brothers and sisters contemplate subside, fall into depression, become anxious. As a largely catholic nation, reliance and interpretation of events from a religious perspective in immanent. In this show, we talk about how our relationship with God colours our interpretation of event and becomes either a risk or protective factor during this tough season. Watch the video here.

Talk to Suzy Roxas today

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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