The Ayala Land 3 peat champions
At the highest level of sports, mind conditioning is crucial to success. The best athletes always seem to get it right: despite the maddening crown of detractors, the heart racing and shortness of breath at tie-breakers, despite the pressure to deliver the winning point. They don’t seem to flake out, lose their cool, or melt out. Sports psychology played a huge part in their preparation for their event. Even when things go badly or the play is not in their favour, in the midst of devastating errors, ferocious competition, the greats have stood up time and time again with no sign of loss of confidence and win again and again and again. it is as if they are able to constantly pick up the pieces effortlessly. What makes them able to do so? How can psychology help overcome a devastating mistake and prepare for the win? By training athletes specific mind conditioning techniques: Imagery & modelling: managing state to remain in the moment; teaching them to depend on their mastery of the sport.
The champion mindset is about finding ways to deal with all the mind games that comes with stress and anxiety of thinking …”what is to come?’ and “what is to be”. And then replacing this by being focused in the MOMENT.