Let me introduce Myself

When people get help, it becomes easier for them to reach their personal best and change for the better.
Seeing this positive change is why I love working with people, with you.
My extensive corporate and academe experience gave me grassroots understanding on how theory can be applied to real life, and with this, I am able to infuse the wisdom of academe science into customized programs that meet your needs. My programs consider facets of people’s personality, such as one’s life story, motivations, goals, traits, temperaments, and intelligence.
Being involved in NGOs like Carewell, A.C.A.Y., and IdeaSpace allowed me to work and train in a variety of cultures. This gave me the ability to look at problems from different angles, even integrate new and fresh techniques to my programs.
My exposure to various people gives a profound sense of compassion, empathy and a deep understanding of pain. Enabling me to walk and stay with you as your companion without judgment and to help you find the way out of the issue.
With my knowledge of Behavior, I am able to guide you in reaching your goals by solving your problems, tracking your emotional growth, but more importantly, shedding light especially in your darkest days. This strategy has successfully delivered tangible and measurable results.
And with this, I am proud to say that my life’s best work is reflected on all the people I’ve helped.
My Guiding Principles
Spirit Encouragement is the key to inspiring the person to move towards progress.
Passion To be internally motivated, the person must find personal happiness and fulfillment.
Trust Learning to trust yourself and being honest about your true desires teaches you to seize life fruitfully.
To shine a light at the darkest point of someone’s life and show them that there is hope
To tell them that at any point in their life, they can change it into something that they can be proud of and will be happy with.
Like a “learning friend”, I aim not only to help my clients but to guide and journey with them towards finding real and concrete solutions to their problems.
I believe in the innate potential, value, and unique capabilities of every individual. And solving the problems that limit their success begins by creating awareness and empowering them with the choice to move forward.
Through skills that I have acquired and years of interdisciplinary experience, I design programs that deal closely with problems of varying frameworks: personal, business, pastoral coaching, or life coaching.
To see my clients live a life of happiness and harmony within themselves and with the world around them.
Problems create negative reactions and behaviours which create toxic environments. Approaching problems with a deficit mindset creates defensiveness, feelings of inadequacy and therefore maladaptive behaviour.
Through coaching, there are realizations of proactive and agentic solutions to problems. When people challenge negative mindsets about themselves, the other, and the situation, they can develop more helpful solutions that increase well-being.
The process begins by pausing and helping you understand that your world-view is not the only correct nor is it an objective view of the situation. Instead, they are the mere interpretations of our anger, frustration, and fear. By realising that all is interpretation, there gains a power to recast and change the situation. Once we move to a more positive stance, more proactive solutions are possible.
My expertise in transformational work is a result of relentless passion and hard work. Constant learning allows me to bring the best solutions for my clients and pushes me to continuously achieve professional degrees from world-class faculties and educational institutions.

DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Manila, Philippines
College of Liberal Arts Ph.D. (candidate) in Clinical Psychology (2018)
CBT for Depression and Anxiety (2018)
The School of Positive Psychology, Singapore
Additional Learning: Positive Psychology (2018)
Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand
Scholarship Awardee for Psychological Research, Clinical Psychology (2015)
University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines
Philippine General Hospital, Practicum for Clinical Psychology (2016)
DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Manila, Philippines
College of Liberal Arts MSc in Clinical Psychology (2013-2018)
Center for Family Ministries, Ateneo de Manila University Manila, Philippines
Professional Diploma in Pastoral Counseling (2012-2013)
Azusa Pacific University Los Angeles, California, USA
Special Training Trauma Informed Intervention for Treatment of Sex Abuse, Children, Teens, Adults (2014)
De la Salle-College of St. Benilde Manila, Philippines
Professional Diploma in Organizational Development (2006 -2007)
Asian Institute of Management Manila, Philippines
Masters in Business Management (1996)
Ateneo De Manila University Manila, Philippines
Interdisciplinary Studies (1989)MY CORPORATE EXPERIENCE
I gained specialized training in Organizational Development and my experience in dealing with people in the corporate world allows me to relate more with professional growth and career path. It also provided me with good knowledge in management and leadership

2013- 2014
Marketing Head Non-Life product lines
Senior Associate Project Management & Global Project Management office
Group Head Walter Sklewer Migrations, Database and Content
Division Head Broadband, for Small & Medium Enterprises
Product Lead & Marketing Communications Broadband and data services