Living Core Values is key

21 Day Covid Challenge

Living our core values

Values are defined as the standards of behavior or one’s judgment of what is important in life. For example, if a personal value is integrity, then, not only does he strive for honesty; he also strives for doing the right thing even if no one knows, lives a life wherein there is congruence with what he says, feels, and thinks. Those whose lives are consistent with their core values experience a deep sense of happiness, enjoyment, and often are not as affected by life challenges such as loss of income or reduced employment status.

Complete the statement:
I ________________________________(name) aim to live my top 5 values, (choose from the list above) __________________________________. I will do this consistently to affect positive change in my life and to bring joy in the lives of those whom I love.

to watch the video the full video, request access through: The Resilience Challenge (21 day Mental Health Support Facebook Group)

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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