How Do You Grow Embattled

In my work with Cancer patients, there are some good days and some totally blah days. The good days are when the circle is full of wit, insight, wisdom, and feeling of ‘can do’. The bad days are when some are stuck in a quagmire over feelings of nearing doom, staggering medical bills, and a the finality of death. Oftentimes, the tendency is to seek solace in own strength — just when we need kindred spirits with a little bit more objectivity to help us out. Oftentimes, we mistake emotions of stress, lack of energy or tension, to mean we are beaten or defeated by the disease. This is so wrong in many ways. Stress, fatigue, tension is a normal reactions to facing the unknown. They show up in exciting times —like getting married, joining a competition, going out on a blind date — as well as in trying times. When we converse with our emotions, we get a deeper sense of how we are thinking about a situation. If the emotion comes from thoughts of inadequacy, then find solutions to the problem. If it comes from uncertainty, they make peace with the journey life offers.



Heading Care Forum for Cancer Survivors as Resilience Coach for Carewell

For those whose lives are impacted by a life-threatening disease such as cancer, it is easy for them to lose hope, question their capabilities, abandon courage in the dark hours.  Care forums focused on developing self-efficacy and agency are helpful in regaining balance and well-being. Within a closely-knit supportive circle, one can fuse friendships along the journey… and remember that in many, there are is strength.




Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Learn it from the Source

Continuous education is necessary to be well-equipped at the Chair. There is nothing like learning from the SOURCE to get the best out of a psychotherapy tool. Having acquired world class training and earning Continuing Education Credits from an International Institution, The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy is a nod in competence for the use of an evidence-based methodology to aid clients suffering from mood disorders such as depression. Happy to have been taught by Judith Beck herself on the nuances when interfacing severely depressed clients who are treatment resistant to pharmacology and other forms of intervention. Thank you Judith Beck for the rigour in methodology.

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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