
Cover Continues to Ravage

As cover 19 continues to rave the Philippines, many of our brothers and sisters contemplate subside, fall into depression, become anxious. As a largely catholic nation, reliance and interpretation of events from a religious perspective in immanent. In this show, we talk about how our relationship with God colours our interpretation of event and becomes either a risk or protective factor during this tough season. Watch the video here.


Getting Along Works

Good relationships matter

At this time of tight markets, team togetherness is extremely important. Its important to the team’s health that each one knows that they have their backs covered, that they have a friend looking out for their intentions. Take time as a team to catch up, trade stories, just be together. Build trust as a business initiative.


Staying Strong During the Pandemic

Strengths are a shortcut to wellness

It is easy to stay strong when we focus on our strengths because doing so gives us an immediate lift. It is more fun to work with strengths and thus we keep longer at the task and reap rewards faster

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Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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